Journal Entry: Dennis Zeedyk-01/08/2025

Journal Entry

I began my journey within the Federal Prison system on Friday, January 3, 2025. I was told all along that I would be reporting to a camp for white collar criminals, so when I received notice only a week before 1/3/25 that I should report to FMC Lexington, I assumed that I would be going to the satellite camp there. I never even bothered to research it much. Imagine my surprise when I arrived that the satellite camp in Lexington was for FEMALE inmates! Very quickly I found that I would be in the actual prison that holds inmates of all kinds – mostly for health reasons. There are lots of prisoners here with various diseases, diabetes and I estimate probably 100 prisoners in wheelchairs (probably half are very old & above 65 years old) with varying degrees of mobility. I still don’t know why I am in this prison and not in a camp. Maybe my case manager can tell me once I meet with him.

I had five goals when I came to prison:
1) Stop swearing
2) Learn Spanish
3) Read 80+ selected books & write book reports
4) Learn about bonds as an investment
5) Write a book

I am happy to say that my swearing immediately decreased on Saturday & Sunday after arrival and I only said one bad word on Monday & Tuesday. Believe me – trying to stop swearing while in prison is like trying to be chaste in brothel or not getting burnt in hell. It seems that every other word used by other prisoners is “fuck.”

I started learning Spanish on Monday and am already up to 20 new words. This does not count the other words (not that many) that I already knew.

I started reading books and have completed two and am about halfway through another:
Gulag Archipelago 480 pages book report completed
Johnstown Flood 268 pages will start on book report this afternoon
The Life of Christ — about halfway done with this book

I will start learning about bonds as an investment later on and will start writing a book about the Zeedyk family once I can get settled and get access to a desk. So far, I am pleased with my steadfast work ethic towards the goals I have set in place over the next couple of years.