Journal Entry: DaRayl Davis-08/08/2023

Journal Entry


Today’s Message To Myself:

An extraordinary life is one where the primary emotions of your life are the ones you want…the emotions you choose. Many life events are beyond your control but you can choose what it means to you. Understanding and exercising this power is the ultimate edge, the ultimate advantage.

Morning Mindset:

One thing I can get excited about today is…

Expanding my knowledge, understanding, and practical use of Spanish through my “Learning Spanish” course.

If one word could describe me today, then that word is…and why I chose it is…

Motivated, because motivation gives me a motive for action, and action is required for progress.

If I was a high-performance coach looking at my life from a high level, I would tell myself to remember that…

With a well-defined plan based on sound principles, good business fundamentals, and proper execution, you can have the high-impact life you desire.

Today’s Top 3 Goals/Priorities:

I. Improve my character and my integrity through my SPEED Work
II. Learn something new
III. Create, contribute, and share something of value

Evening Journal:

Something I realized or learned today was…

The policies and practices of the Education Department here at FCI Milan have changed under the new Supervisor of Education.

If I was my own high-performance coach, I would tell myself this statement about today…

During times in life when you’re hardest hit, it’s okay to rest if you must, just don’t quit.

Daily Reminder:

Remember to use each day to Strive for Mastery, Pursue Your Passion, and Live On Purpose!