Journal Entry: DaRayl Davis-08/06/2023-Weekly Assessment

Journal Entry

Sunday, August 6, 2023 (Week of 07/31/23 thru 08/06/23)


One great thing that happened to me in the past week was…

I was informed that I had earned an FSA Incentive Award for completing an Evidence-Based Recidivism Reducing program. The reward is pizza, soft drinks, and a movie in the Chapel with the other award recipients.

The main struggle I faced this past week was…

Keeping my thoughts and my communications free from succumbing to the negative influences of my environment.

…and if I were advising or mentoring someone dealing with the same struggle, I’d advise them to…

Remember that guarding your heart with diligence and renewing your mind is a continual process that requires commitment and discipline. You must intentionally and deliberately decide what to do about each thought that enters your mind. You must choose words and communication that are consistent with the character you decide to build and the results you desire to produce.

2 things I learned about myself this week include…

I have not been monitoring my thoughts as intently as should in order to be my best self.
I have not been pursuing my spiritual, mental, social/emotional, and physical renewal and development as intensely as I must in order to be the best version of myself.

1 decision I could have made last week to make my life better or to move ahead faster would have been…

To choose to devote more focused time to my Spiritual Personal/professional Enlightenment Enrichment Development.


Score yourself on a scale of 1 to 5 in each of the areas below, with 5 being awesome. Also, write any notes in the bubbles or the space below about what is happening in that area or what you would like to improve. Be honest, but also be kind to yourself. Tally your score up and multiply by 2 and that will give you a score out of 100. Basically, you’re doing a spot check on your life and giving yourself a score so that you know where you are. For the partner/love bubble, if you are not currently in a relationship, then rate yourself on how well you’re doing living each day through your heart.

Health – 4 Mental/Emotional – 4 Partner/Love – 4 Family – 5 Friends – 4
Mission – 5 Experiences – 5 Spirit – 4 Finances – 4 Learning – 5

Total Score – 88 out of 100


For each of the 6 high-performance habits below, add your score and multiply this by 4. That will give you a score out of 100 percent. Whatever your score, keep trying to improve in these areas because they correlate with your long-term success potential.

1. I was intentional in how I acted this week – 5
2. I knew the feelings I wanted to generate this week – 5
3. I stayed focused as much as I wanted to – 4
4. I made this week meaningful – 5
5. I determined something I can get better at this week – 5

1. I managed my energy well this week – 4
2. I chose to bring the joy this week – 5
3. I recharged throughout the week to stay energized – 5
4. I worked out this week – 3 (recovering from injuries)
5. I wound down well this week so I can sleep well – 5

1. I was emotionally committed to excellence this week – 4
2. I knew my “why” this week and worked for it – 5
3. I cared about serving others this week – 5
4. I hit my deadlines and finished my duties this week – 5
5. I managed my self-talk to stay on my A-game – 5

1. I worked on things that mattered most this week – 5
2. I progressed a major dream or goal this week – 5
3. I avoided distractions well this week – 4
4. I set intentions before each major activity this week – 5
5. I fully engaged and enjoyed my efforts this week – 4

1. I was a role model this week – 5
2. I guided others to thinking well this week – 5
3. I challenged someone to grow this week – 5
4. I worked on myself this week – 5
5. I demonstrated caring for others this week – 4

1. I dealt with fear or unknowns well this week – 5
2. I shared my real self with others this week – 5
3. I tried to stay confident this week – 5
4. I responded well and quickly to life’s challenges – 4
5. I took action despite work or risk – 5