Journal Entry: DaRayl Davis-01/04/2024

Journal Entry


Financial independence has nothing to do with the amount of money you can earn, but only with what you do with the funds
you possess. Riches in all forms are within my reach. I will reach for and receive my share based upon my level of service to others.

Quote of the Day:

“It’s only when we truly know and understand that we have limited time on earth, and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up, we will then begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it is the only one we have.”

– Elisabeth Kubler- Ross

1. Improve my character and build my integrity through my SPEED Work.
2. Learn something new.
3. Create and contribute something of value.

1. A moment that I really appreciated today was speaking with Mr. Potter – my supervisor in the Education Department and Coordinator of the Adult Continuing Education (ACE) classes.

2. A situation or task that I handled well today was completing my application to proceed in forma pauperis in my appeal to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.

3. Something I realized or learned today was the fact that Black Americans possess nearly 10 percent of the free world’s income with only a fraction of the world’s population.

Give yourself a score of 1 to 5 on the following statements related to he habits in the book “High Performance Habits. A “1” is low and a “5” is high.

CLARITY: I knew my “why” and lived intentionally today – 5
PRODUCTIVITY: I worked on things that mattered most today – 5
ENERGY: I managed my mental and physical energy well – 5
INFLUENCE: I guided or treated others well today – 5
NECESSITY: I felt it was necessary to be my best and made success a “must.”
COURAGE: I shared my real self, thoughts, and feelings today.