Journal Entry: Daniel Jason Harrington-12/31/2024

Journal Entry

This will be my final journaling for the year 2024. I must say, it went by fast. For those of you who think you have all the time in the world to prepare and get things done, well, you don’t. I have seen so many men allow the time to just slip away without even preparing for their release.

MY greatest challenges in 2024 have been not allowing myself to be stagnant. With a new facility and different administrations, it had been a challenge to get programing done. To overcome this, I worked hard at creating new programs rather than sitting around waiting for some to start. Even though I may not be here much longer, I have been able to not only stay busy in a productive way, but pave the road for those behind me.

In the coming year I want to be more productive on here. Journal more. I want to start finetuning the business ideas I have for my release, as I now first hand that the time to implement them could be here quicker than I anticipate.

I am thankful for Michael Santos and Prison Professors, as well as all those who have fought for us and helped us grow.

I pray that each of your passing year was fruitful, and the coming year is blessed.