Journal Entry: Daniel Jason Harrington-12/10/2024

Journal Entry

Thought For The Day:
“Greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world.”
A recent discussion I had with someone about life in prison led to me sharing about the annoyances that take place and how much things that would not be noticed to someone out there, drive some of us crazy in here. Like standing too close to me when I am seated watching television. Or someone running across the dayroom. Due to the environments I have been in, these are deemed threats, and never take place in higher custody institutions, but I find them (and sooo many more) taking place repeatedly here at a low security facility. So much so that it has grated at my sanity like fingernails on a chalkboard. This recent discussion also led to two more things. One, the realization that in many ways I have become institutionalized to things like this. I ask myself, “Why does this bother me so much?” I had come to rationalize it by saying it is a lack of common sense on their part and my tolerance for stupidity is low. But to someone that has never been in a USP, these rules of conduct are nonexistent. So it is not them, but I that has something to address.

The second thing I have come to realize is that I cannot ever try and deal with these things myself, but must rely upon God’s grace and strength to carry me through. The amount of stresses that we put upon ourselves each day are not only unnecessary, but are greater than we can bear. And when we are trying to hold our anger in check, we must repeat “Greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world.” Because on my own I am nothing.

God, grant us the faith to trust in You so fully, that we do not bring upon ourselves stresses that are unnecessary. And for those times that we fail to trust You in this way, grant us the wisdom to realize that we cannot do anything on our own, to surrender ourselves to the One Who can carry us to victory over the enemy which desires to mislead us through deception, for You are greater, You are Mightier, our Rock and Redeemer. In You we trust. Amen!