Journal Entry: Daniel Jason Harrington-07/03/2024

Journal Entry

Today I am going down to finish the last touches on CLEAN SLATE. It is a program I have been working on getting the BOP to implement that involves cognitive behavioral classes combined with actual laser tattoo removal afterwards. This program is unique in that it not only removes the tattoos, but helps the men (and women too I hope) understand the reasoning behind our poor decision making skills, so that we do not repeat these behaviors. Clean Slate is a double entendre.

When I approached the administration at my last spot they showed no interest what-so-ever. I did not allow that to deter me. As soon as I was transferred here to Thomson, and a permanent administration was in place, I approached the new Warden with the idea here, and he liked it.

The hard work I have put in over the years has allowed me to build a reputation that is cause for administrations and staff to take me seriously, and that is important when trying to make changes. Speaking at A&O, facilitating classes, and maintaining a sterling disciplinary record are vital parts of this process.

I thank all the men that came before me that showed me how to be a success. Everything they said, I repeat to the men that come after me, daily. Most importantly, I live them on a daily basis.
After the program proposal is submitted today, I will take time to celebrate another win!