New Years Resolutions never made sense to me. A New Year does bring with it new opportunities and there is something to be said about a fresh start. Changing the calendar from one year to the next is a great reminder that change is always possible, I get that. It is a documented fact that most News Years resolutions don’t last more than a few weeks. (It’s a great time of year to own a gym with prepaid memberships.) To wake up in the New Year, look in the mirror and say to yourself I think it is time I changed, made different decisions, made myself better or accomplish something I never had time for is both healthy and honorable. Unless you are genuinely sick and tired of spinning your wheels and develop a burning desire deep down that is fueling your resolve, your resolutions will disappear as quickly as they came. My experience being here for the past 9 months has made my New Years resolutions every day resolutions. I stay laser focused and determined to show the World that the person that was sentenced is not by any stretch of the imagination the person I am. Those who know me, know this. I would never want to “put this experience behind me” as many will do. This chapter has become part of the story that is still being written. The story is wonderful and magnificent with several more chapters to follow. For the past several months I did not control the narrative of my own life, that’s how the system is designed. I’m anxiously awaiting for the powers that be to etch in stone that I will be leaving here in 10 days as they projected. All the thinking, planning, learning and reflecting on the future will soon be a reality. I will return to the small Vermont village I left and to the casual observer, my life will be the same as it ever was. However, it could not be any more different. There is something that happens to a person, something that goes off in their head like lightning when they have an epiphany. “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” illustrates this perfectly. When the Grinch finally understands the true meaning of Christmas, he finds his inner strength and does a 180 with his attitude and perception. It changes him permanently in a very deep and profound way. Equally, if not more important, are his actions. Change without action is dead. The details and plans of what is about to happen in my life are secondary to the resolve and determination I have gained. I can tell you I’m a better person because of this experience and when I look back on a life well lived, it will be now, in this moment, that I had the greatest growth and clarity. For that, I am thankful.