Journal Entry: Dana McIntyre-12/19/2023

Journal Entry

I have not heard back from BOP regarding my email request to be redesignated to Berlin, NH. Once the webinar from December 5th is posted, I will write to the judge using the format and guidance learned. There were some great points made and I hope to have a draft within the next week. I will start calling the designation office and will try to get a live human on the phone. The system is automated and designed not to take calls. I will also email them again if I don’t have any luck getting someone on the phone. It may take several attempts. A condition of my plea agreement requires me to sell the property I live in. Proceeds from my crime were co-mingled with personal assets and the Government considers everything theirs. Regardless of the sales price, it could be 100X more than its value and they will take it all. It is spelled out this way in my plea deal. It is also regardless of if all financial obligations of my crime are satisfied, they want the house to be sold and they want all the proceeds. A concession the Government made which was favorable was that I could market and sell the property on my own to whomever I choose. This helped the Government avoid the time and expense of having to go through foreclosure and public auction. Being near the ski areas it was not too difficult to find a person that was interested in this place as an investment rental property. It was super important that the property continued to be an Alpaca farm regardless of if the new owners made it their primary residence or continued to rent out the house and cabin on Airbnb. I really like this small Vermont town and have come to know many local people in the 4 years since I relocated here from Massachusetts. The residents are down to earth, and neighbors help and look out for each other. At the end of this month, I will transition from homeowner to renter. I’m fortunate enough to have an opportunity to lease back part of this property from the new owner. This will save me the upset and stress of trying to find a place for just a few months before I surrender on April 5, 2024. I will return to this community when I’m released, to the very same spot I’m writing this journal entry, where it will be the launching pad for executing my 1-, 3-, and 5-year release plan which includes home ownership and a new business venture. I’m not going to let anyone control the narrative of my life but me. The story is still being written and I expect to come through this crisis a better person with a laser focus on what really matters most. Priorities.