I submitted my request to be redesignated to the camp in Berlin, NH. Looking at the BOP Website I noticed the number in the camp is now 34 inmates, down from 35 last week. That gives me hope that they will honor my request to be closer than 500 miles to my residence.
I received a response from an external email address. I thought the response from the BOP was extremely fast, less than an hour. I emailed Robert Martinez, BOP counsel, below is the response.
BOP-CPD-DSC-PolicyCorrespondence-S (BOP) <BOP-CPD-DSC-PolicyCorrespondence-S@bop.gov>
11:14 AM (7 hours ago)
to me
FCI Berlin does not have a female camp.
Dana Crypto
11:24 AM (6 hours ago)
Thank you for the info however I am a male. To be fair, My daughter’s name is also Dana
I really appreciate the quick response. Sent from my iPhone. Have a Great day
BOP-CPD-DSC-PolicyCorrespondence-S (BOP
11:33 AM (6 hours ago)
to me
So sorry about that. Just looked at the name and thought that was the case. The Bureau understands separation from family is an unfortunate consequence of incarceration and attempts to confine inmates at facilities commensurate with their security and programming needs, while maintaining population balance throughout our institutions. I’ve forwarded your request to the appropriate staff for review.