Journal Entry: Dana McIntyre-07/17/2024

Journal Entry

I just passed the 100 day anniversary of my self surrender to the Camp in Cumberland, Md. It has been a eye opening experience to say the least. There is a wide variety of personalities and people from all walks of life. It seems that everyone finds “their people” and I’m no exception. There are two types of inmates, those who committed a crime and criminals. This is my first time (and last time) in the system and I’m here for a comparatively short stay for which I’m grateful. I have settled into somewhat of a routine, but that is complicated with hip pain that has been present since I arrived. Health services has minimal staff that is responsible for the 250 people at the camp as well as the 1000 plus that are housed next door at the medium security facility. I have had to resort to the administrative remedy process to be seen by an orthopedic specialist and that is elevated to the BP 10 level with no response. Understanding the staff is overwhelmed should not discount providing my basic health care. I stay clear of those who choose to have contraband and understand everyone does there time in their own way. I generally wake up at 6am, make coffee, make my bed, brush my teeth and watch the morning news from 6:30 to 7:15am. This is the same routine I have on the outside. Occasionally I will go to breakfast at 6am (7am on weekends and holidays) but that is no more than once or twice a week. I will read from 7:30 to 8:30 daily and then go walk on the track for 2 to 3 miles. One of my new friends is a yoga instructor and I take his class 5 times a week, which he started when he arrived the same day I did. He is also from Boston so there is a common bond. I will say my time has been made easier by having a few business people around that I can relate to. After my walk I shower, and will read or listen to the radio until chow which is sometime around 11am. The food here is good compared to other facility’s (so I am told) It is somewhere between a high school cafeteria and the Olive Garden. Glad they offer a vegetarian option which I often opt for. If I ate every meal I would gain weight. After chow I head to the library and play chess, take a yoga class if there is one or head back to my cube and read. I have read 21 books in 100 days and will get to writing book reports at some point. The thing I cant wrap my head around is why I was sent to this particular camp. I am not doing RDAP and I’m more the 500 miles from my home in Vermont. There are 3 other camps closer to my house. Because of this I have not had a visit from my 2 adult children who both work weekends. My son is coming week after next and my daughter in August. I requested a transfer that was denied because I need to be 18 months in before I can request a transfer. At this point I’m settled in and resolved. With my FSA credits I should be leaving for a half way house in March of next year. The time is flying by and in some ways a welcome reset. I taught a class on Cryptocurrency as I had a radio show / podcast on the subject with 200 episodes that can still be heard on Spotify, Iheart, etc. or by visiting I have participated in other classes on Business funding, Civil rights and architecture in addition to the recommended programs on finance and health. There are friendships made with people I hope to see again and many more that I hope I never see again. Right now I need to head to a class on poetry and the the spoken word that I lead that has become surprisingly popular. The idea started when I saw many people doing Rap and thought it would be good to bring them together in the library in an organized way. Ironically, there are no rappers that have shown up to the class but people who need and desire an outlet to express themselves. My schedule is such that I will not be able to make daily post but hope to send updates to my journal once a week. Until next time…..