Journal Entry: Christian D Shelton-09/27/2024-Believe in Yourself

Journal Entry

First I would like to say I liked today ‘s post and to answer the question about what make me an outstanding candidate for a job, a partnership, a loan or venture capital to star a business.

I can not claim the outstanding part but I am working on being an outstanding person to invest in by daily building myself on three levels; mental, physical and spiritual. I read, write, workout, pray and meditate almost daily. I am more confident in myself than I have ever been. Those who know me best have told me about the positive changes they see in me. In the past I could never see eye to eye with my former wife who is also the mother of two of my children. Now that I have been taking self help course including those with PPT, and building myself on the three levels I mentioned, she has shown me a love I did not think was possible. I had been praying for us to be cordial, we are that now and so much more. She is ready to invest in me and I know if she is for she is my biggest critic I know others will also.