Response to today’s Question:
I am working on myself daily and at this moment I am becoming the outstanding candidate for a job by having been employed for all tense and purposes for the past 8 years with me only leaving the job due to new employment or transfer to a new institution. I know what it takes to hold employment and be profitable to a company. As for an outstanding candidate for a loan, I am learning how money works the difference between good debt and bad debt.. I have been working on a business plan for the past 3 years and now I have updated my plan due to having completed the “Digital Economy” book coursework. I know that I can apply the skill I acquired when I was breaking the law selling marihuana and apply it to the new information I got from reading books like “Rich Dad Poor Dad” and “Starting a Non-profit for Dummies” or one of the most influential business books I read was “Nike” by Phil Night. In Nike, Phil showed how determination and hard work could pay off, by going on to build on of the world’s biggest sports apparel companies. He showed the importance of a team and standing strong when no one else believed he remained vigilant. What drove Phil to be so determined was the fact that he wanted to prove to his dad he was worthy of his support.
Now I want to prove to anyone who will give me a chance that I am worthy of their support ( those avatars Mr. Santos speaks of). Most of all I want my daughter Tyionna to be proud of me. I feel I let her down by leaving her at such a young age of 16 when I was arrested. Now she is my support and I want to give her all that I can. I am going to leave her and my grandchildren something that they can build from, something that will sustain the test of time. This is my drive.
I am currently seeking out college courses. I have met with a program director as ASU. He name is Sara and she was also incarcerated. I feel this is a sign I have been wanting people in my circle who can relate, and I plan to take full advantage of this opportunity.