Journal Entry: Christian D Shelton-02/05/2024

Journal Entry

When this email was sent the institution was on lockdown and I am now going over all of the unread emails and answering them accordingly,

I was at work one day in the kitchen as a cook here at Thomson, and a guy attempted to assault me, the old me would have fought back or used violence as a deterrent, but I have developed a mindset that says I will make the best possible decision that will lead me to my goals, and it is clear fighting will not lead me to accomplishing my goals, so I hugged him and told him that we are going to get in trouble if he does not calm down, and I asked the others standing around to help hold him till he calms down, now the guy seem to have great respect for me. I also learned a great lesson from that, it is about what led up to the altercation in the first place a card game and joking, I was at work to do a job and although the work was done I could use time like that to study and read, no more games for me that was the first time something like that has happened and it will be the last time. I have never had an incident report and I plan to keep it that way.

Christian Shelton