Journal Entry: Charles Howard Jorenby-01/29/2024

Journal Entry

Hi All,

So, I’m currently starting my fourth month of incarceration, and the routine seems to have settled down a bit. Days are often measured by what’s for lunch, as the same lunch is served each day of the week. Monday is cheese pizza day. It’s marginally pizza and marginally cheese. I often make a peanut butter sandwich instead. Wednesday is hamburgers. Probably the best day for lunch.

Classes may be cancelled this week since the corrections staff have training. I hope not, as today and tomorrow are CDL, Wednesday is Space Exploration, and Thursday is HVAC. It’s a way to fill the evenings.

I work hard to stay away from the dorms as much as possible, as a lot of questionable activity happens there. Hustles, side deals, tobacco, phones (cell phones) are being sold and exchanged, and other shenanigans. All of which can result in a “shot” (a disciplinary report) and a potential loss of time credited. Since my goal is to serve my time as quickly as possible, I don’t want to jeopardize anything. One day at a time, sometimes one hour at a time.

I hope and pray you each have a great week. Stay happy and healthy!

As for the Super Bowl, go KC!
