Mapping Out The Steps
Today I ran a re-entry workshop here in the Unit with the individuals who chose to come and start their plan for a successful re-entry. It went so well! I think the ones who came have a better understanding of their personal goals and what steps they need to take to get there. Together, we walked through the critical steps of personal planning. The focus was actionable, clear strategies that each individual can tailor to their circumstances. We discussed topics such as:
1. Setting realistic and achievable goals for both short and long-term.
2. Identifying the resources and support systems available to us upon release.
3. Understanding the importance of financial planning and employment strategies.
4. Addressing potential challenges and developing coping mechanisms.
5. Emphasizing the importance of continued education and skill development.
In 2 weeks I plan on having a follow up workshop so that we can continue to develop and walk-through the plans that we have for our personal re-entrys. I think a “buddy system” will really help each of us to continue to focus on our plans and to help one another to take the steps needed to get to where we want to be!