Journal Entry: Brian Peter Zater-09/25/2024-Believe in Yourself

Journal Entry

In response to today’s question: What makes me an outstanding candidate for a job, a partnership, a loan, or venture capital to start a business?

First, I’ve cultivated and internalized a conviction based on the importance and value of paying back one’s debts. This includes paying back my investors. It’s like establishing credit. When those who invest in me know that I will always, no matter what, return their investment, the business relationship strengthens, making me a secure, reliable investment that they will want to invest in again in the future. It too builds respect and connection from out of which business connections turn into personal friendships–a network of people working to build each other’s business dreams into reality. (It’s from this that a lot of good can be accomplished in the world, having multiple solutions brought to bear on the societal issues close to the hearts of each person within the network.)

The credit we build between each other–with the capital of trust, reliability–is just as important, if not more so, than one’s actual credit score…though of course that too has to receive the same approach of heightened responsibility.

Part of what makes me an outstanding candidate for a partnership and/or for venture capital to start a business is my reputation for work ethic and delivering on the promises I make. I regularly put in 15-hour work days that include: writing motions that win reductions of sentences at above average rates, writing school assignments for my law studies and for the writing program of which I’m a part (both societally based), writing the book that I’m soon to complete, and teaching the classes that I have developed, had approved, and/or facilitate.

Last, I follow the adage “How you do one thing is how you do everything.” In order to accomplish big goals while having a lot of things to do I’ve become very good at time management. For me, making the time for each work-related task, while too making the time for family, friends, students, and people in the community, is an important part of living a successful, meaningful, balanced life.