Journal Entry: Barbara Caylor-Hernandez-12/22/2024

Journal Entry

On Dec. 16, 2024; was the start of my new journey. It started at 1:15 AM when the CEO on duty came in and told us to get dress and go next door to the FCI. Remind you that we had not sleep since 5:00-6:00 AM on that Sunday. You see I have been living in a Satellite Camp since 2019. A walk across the street is about maybe a mile is the Federal Prison. I had to dress out, where the CEO checks to make sure you are not carrying anything. Then they shackle you and chain you like you are going back to prison for your 1st time. The cuffs where tight on my ankles and my hands. We where loaded up on a cold bus about 6:00 AM and on the road about 6:30 AM. Traveling from Aliceville, Al to Atlanta, Ga airport to catch a plane to our next location. Arriving in Atlanta about 11:30 and going though another pat search. Oh, forgot to mention we got bologna sandwich and a cup of water at 3:30 AM while we were still in Aliceville. After being searched again we stood outside the plane waiting for the males to be searched. While standing there waiting we had me yell, bark and make other crazing noises. Getting on the plan and waiting for them to load the males, some males was saying real bad crazy remarks and doing nasty things. After take off, I am praying and finally fall asleep. We arrived in Ok, City around 3:30 PM and put in a holding cell where most of us had to sit on the nasty floor. We sit in the cell for hours with the toilet leaking and at a time with no toilet paper. A CEO comes open the doors and says, “ok, to answer the questions you are going to ask, I will just go a head and give you the answer. You will get water when you get it, a person can live 3 days with out water. Yes, you will get food, however, not a hot meal. You will have a bologna sandwich and it will be the best thing you ever eat. Wow, that was cruel. However, I just kept to my self and prayed. You know through prayer, you can get through things you never thought you would get through. Some of the ladies ask for our medication and that was a joke. They also, asked for toliet paper? He said, ” he would bring it back.” However that was a few hours later. We finally got put in a bigger cell and got changed out around 9:00 PM and got feed around 10:45 PM. Yes, the sandwiches. Praise God! I see it like this, there are other people in the world who does not even have that. So, we have to be grateful for all we receive. Amen! Around 11 something, we finally got to the unit, but could not shower because it was lock down. Praise God for a mat to sleep on cause I sure was tired after all the time we was awake.

Today is now Sunday a week later, still at the transfer center and still waiting to be shipped out to my destination. To be continued…… I will let you know about my week…. God Bless May you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!! If you think about us and pray….. Please pray for us we truly need your prayers!!!!!!