Good Afternoon,
I would like to give my thoughts on this. I have been in prison since May 9, 2019. I have studied, taken FSA classes and other classes here in prison. Not only have I took classes that has been available to me; I have also, done outside Bible Studies and I have taken a collage class for Biblical Theology and gotten my diploma!
By doing all the classes, programs and studies I have gotten my GED, I have learned about myself and I have healed from tragedy such as being mentally, physically and sexually abused. The youngest I can remember is 3 years old. So, yes the fact of coming to prison and doing these programs have helped me in many ways and I have became a better woman! The thing is after being in prison for so long, you have plenty of time to think. For some of us we think positive and know that we have changed. For other’s, they have been in so long that they start back sliding, start to do the stinky thinking, they are getting bored and that is not a good thing. What the American people are not looking at are the facts. Yes, we did a crime and yes we need to pay for that crime. Most of the people in here has went through some of the things or even worse then what I have went through and I am only confessing a few things that I went through.
We was not born to be criminals and just because we are in here does not mean we are bad people; in fact if that was the case, than why does the BOP have us in the camp with no, fences, no gates and really if someone wanted to leave they could. However, we have learned what we did and we want to be home with our families and be able to give back to the community! It is crazy when you think about it, because the tax payers are the one’s who is paying for us to be in prison. Don’t you think that we should be paying back our debts and be out there working paying taxes, taking care of our self and our families? Just think, if you have young children and you are in here, the State is also, paying for the children’s, health care, food and a way to live. It makes no since to keep minimum or low AIC Adults In Custody and/or 1st time offenders in a camp just to have someone to babysit us. I really wished that United States would wake up and see we our failing our Country. It starts with the children and how they are being raised or not raised. The abuse that goes through our Country. That leads to drug abuse…..We need more drug rehabs and more 2nd chance living places to help the addiction to start out in a better place.