Name three leaders that you admire : Shakespeare, led zepplin, donald trump
what are the characteristics you admire about those leaders? :shakespeare because he was passionate about his poetry. Led Zepplin because they know how to make words flow through music. donald trump because hes a strong leader and he doesn’t back down despite what anyones says.
what decisions did those leaders make along their journey? shakespeare a made good life journey, led zepplin they went through struggles until they made it BIG. donald trump he is president and never gives up hope.
what lessons from those leaders can you apply to your life? to keep pushing ,never give up, dont care what people say, never look back and keep faith.
describe how decisions you made last week harmonize with the kinds of decisions those kinds of leaders make. we get up every morning despite being incarcerated and away from our family with a smile and with a positive attitude.
how would the leaders you’ve identified adjust to the circumstances you’re in now? they would fight for their freedom and get pushing forward.
emulate means copying/mirroring/apply something.
I will emulate the people I admire and continue to grow.
*Ashley Benson 🙂