Journal Entry: Antwan Henry-10/02/2024

Journal Entry

I went to my victims impact class today and turned in letter to my children, the class was real interesting because I really didn’t realize that I had victims. Anyway, I have been reading this book that you guys sent to me titled ”Earning Freedom”. I have been greatly inspired so far, and I’m not even halfway through it yet. I am at the point where Mr, Santos just got to FCI Fairton. But what inspired me the most is something that he mentioned in the book, and I have begun to do it. He said that he would write down words that he didn’t know when other people said them, and write down the meanings as well, and put them on flash cards so he could study them at any givin time. So far, I have written down 15 words from within this book. `1, Incapacitate 2Ethnograpic 3, Respite 4, Despondency 5, Rehnquist, this one was not in the dictionary 6, Espoused 7, Perpetuate 8, Pervade 9, Emissary10, Perusing 11, Impetus 12Auster 13, Sublimation 14, Peremptorily and 15, Kowtow. That’s all I have so far, but I am really enjoying this book, Its a good read and I would recommend it to any and everybody.