Journal Entry: Annelynthere I Turner-08/30/2024-Pledge to You

Journal Entry

In what ways am I using my time inside to prepare for success outside?

First and formost, goals are neccesssary to start any plan. I am utilizing my time in here to prepare by reading What Color is Your Parachute to help guide me on a plan to start my own business, to think about what kind of people I would like to work with, and to draft up a mission statement. Reading a lot of books about business, how to talk to people, and even self-help books that can be useful for my own personal/spiritual growth. Networking with people has helped as well. You’d be surprised at the vast knowledge others have that could help just about anyone go forward with their plans. Keeping what tools and skills that a person has is important to keep sharp too. Taking advantage of the apprenticeship programs that each facility offers (ex.: Animal Training, Graphics Design, Plumbing, ect…) so that a person can leave with a skill he or she can use once released is another thing that I have taken advantage of. I’ve volunteered to teach classes through Recreation such as Drawing, Painting, and Animation to become adjusted to speaking publicly. Participating in Toast Masters. Taking college course and/or bible studies correspondence courses that is also to be taken advantage of.

What book most influenced me to begin building a pathway to success?
A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle and 7 Habits by Stephen Covey. Both books have taught me to shift my own paradigms, to let go of my own ego, and to transend oneself to become a better version that I can be for my family.