In what way are the skills that you’re developing now going to influence you future?
I am going to transfer to another prison soon but before I leave I am making sure that the class, I was in the middle of creating is finalized I wanted to make sure I leave some thing so this class I have created at Aliceville, can continue and more students are able to gain this skill. This is the outline I have created to leave to the next person who I am training to take over the class. It’s not a complete curriculm but a good outline she can use as a guide. I recently completed a class where I certified 10 students to do Floor Manintenance in the Institution. One of them is who will be taking over the class. Over the course of my stay in prison I think I have trained at least 100 people in this skill. I pray more people will be able to learn this job skill even though I am leaving this insitution. This is my outline.
Floor Maintenance Class
Objective: Students will learn Safety and proper use of Stripping and Buffing machines per Operators Manual. Students will learn how to read and understand chemical labels of products they will be using to Strip and Re-wax floors.To include Hazard Communication, Chemical labels, SDS book, OSHA Pictograms. Students will learn the different techniques used to remove floor wax and re-apply floor finish. Upon completion of class students will have a good understanding of proper floor maintenance and care. Students will complete a PRE/POST Test and get at least a score of 70% to pass. Students will complete a floor project to show hands on performance of correct use of equipment and floor maintenance process from start to finish.
Introduction to class.
-Pre/Post Test
-Watch OSHA Hazard Communication Video Approx. 24 mins.
Video explains Hazard Communications Standard, proper identification of chemicals, how to read labels of products that will be used and how to identify OSHA pictograms. Video also explains proper use of PPE. (Personal Protective Equipment) Boots, Gloves, Googles
– Go over Floor Maintenance Packet from Starco Chemical Company/Diamond Chemical
Supplies needed for Job. (Ex. Mops, buckets, wringers) Talk about process to get floor done start to finish. On the back of Packet I put handout of Hazard Pictograms make sure they understand those because Stripper has a corrosive Pictogram. Floor Finish has a Exclamation point pictogram.
– Go over Safety Rules/Sign Paperwork
– Go over Student Agreement/Sign Paperwork
-Read over Chemical Labels specifically Stripper Solution has a pictogram make sure they understand that stripper is (CORROSIVE) and can Burn/Eat away at skin if body comes in contact with it we have to wash area immediately and if it gets on clothes we must change clothes because it will damage skin.
– Floor Finish is not as dangerous but we must practice proper use per manufactures recommendations. Go over that.
– Different color Pads are used for different tasks at the back of packet I put a handout of colored pads and descriptions.
– Go over Operators Manual for Buffing/Stripping Machines key points (highlighted).
How to properly apply Pad to Pad Driver (Maybe demonstrate in front of class or have a volunteer demonstrate)
Always disconnect machine when applying pads. (Very Important to always disconnect machine if there is still electrical charge in the cord it could spin and chop your fingers off. ouch!)
– Take Post-Test
I usually do it as a group and no one fails because by the time you are done with this explanation everyone understands the basics.
After all education part we will start the hands on portion. Have each student get familiar with laying down stripper solution and using machine to strip floor give them an opportunity to get familiar with handling it. Stripper machine is harder one to control so I like to give them ample time to get use to it. (at least like 10-15 mins) Remember, in a crew not everyone will strip so doesn’t mean they can’t pass the class if they can’t handle the machine. They can do other things in the crew like mop, clean, apply wax. Some people are small in size and the machine is just too heavy but as long as they know basics (like how to turn in on, position pad). This is just to show them the basics to practice proper safety so they don’t get hurt on the job. They will get better through experience.
-Apply Floor Finish.
-Show them how to use Buffing Machine. Spray buff method/ I used Glass cleaner for Spray buff method. Spray buff method we spray floor then use buffing pad to distribute chemical and buff floor. Evenly go over floor. like 5 times over same area. Until we bring up shine.