Journal Entry: Aaron Jason Wewa-07/29/2024-Newsletter 21

Journal Entry

In memorializing my experience and getting others to read what i have been through and the people i have met who have changed the way i think about life that i probably would not have done so had i not even come to prison. that whoever reads this will see me for who i am and have become and not what i have done to get here. that some one might be moved by what i have been through and reach out to help me. i need help because i basically grew up in prison. at the end of my sentence i will have done more time in prison than in freedom. the experiences i gone through are so much different than what ordinary citizens of America go through and it will be quite a challenge for me to re-adjust back into society with a new additude but carrying and old set of baggage that will weigh me down in my efforts to succeed in life just from the fact that i will be and ex-convict. so i hope there is some one out there who will have pity on me. some one who will give me chance even if its just to talk to me like a normal human being and not some statistic or like i did my crime yesterday and have not changed through out the years of being incarcerated. i want a chance at life again and hopefully somebody will see that.