Journal Entry: Aaron Jason Wewa-07/04/2024-Newsletter 13

Journal Entry

It is easy to get caught up in prison politics especially when you’ve never given a shit about nothing in life. you hit the yard and suddenly you have a set of principles and morals that are imposed on you that you never had before. now you have something to live up to even if it is not the best way to go about life but you think it is giving you structure. something to follow because in the short term, you see yourself change for the better with new values to uphold. Unfortunately, this usually comes with a mentor who has his own goals and motivations and intentions in prison. this mentor hides manipulation behind the guise of trying to make you a better more disciplined individual not to keep you on the streets when you get out but to make you a soldier, a pawn, he can move about the chess game of prison. now when it comes to your turn to put in work and get your hands dirty you suffer the consequences of your actions guided by his intentions. He doesn’t suffer and if you are loyal you won’t tell the law that it was all his idea. you did the act and you will suffer the punishment, not him.

To change your mindset and do your own time making yourself a better person more educated and disciplined in the righteous way can mean cutting ties to so called friends or homies or gang brothers. the first step is freeing yourself from things that continually pull you down. you are the architect to your own future and is up to you to start a good foundation today.