Victor Manuel Arteaga Gonzalez-12 Rules For Life

Author of Book: Jordan B Peterson
Date Read:

Book Report

Why did I choose to read this book?

-I chose to read this book because it was recommended by Patrick Bet-David in his book “Your Next Five Moves”. This is my third time reading it so you can see that it’s a great book.

What did I learn from this book?

-From this book I have learned how to live a better, more fulfilling life. I learned so many things from the human experience from a biblical perspective and a psychological perspective. Jordan B Peterson did a phenomenal job explaining and being very insightful in explaining the 12 rules. There wasn’t one rule that hadn’t made my life better. By reading this book I was able to write my sentencing letter to my judge and explain how I was going to change my life in a moral and proper way. While reading this book I also learned how complicated we are as humans and I realized I needed to unclutter myself by facing the world with strength. (Perhaps my adversity at the time) My mind has gotten stronger, perhaps wiser and even though this is my third time reading it, I still learn something new every time. This book is a resource for me. I have made notes that I study on a constant manner and that is a part of my schedule. The reason I do this is because it helps me recalibrate my thinking. I picked up a criminal lifestyle and it’s my purpose to fix my thinking to avoid making this mistake again.

How will this book contribute to my prospects for success upon release?

-This book will and is helping me daily to lead by example. Not only that, it has made me a better Christian and has brought me back on track. I believe in church meetings, my peers will acknowledge my picked-up wisdom from this book. And by following his principles, I will be able to set a good example and will contribute to demonstrating my authenticity.