Thomas Jefferson Williams Jr-A Promised Land

Author of Book: Barack Obama
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Book Report

Mr.. Barack Obama shed so much light on his personal life in this memoir. He let down his guard and brought me into his life in the most private moments. From the outside looking in, one would think that a President’s family life was fun and exhilarating, but come to find out it’s just the opposite. We get to hear about he and Mrs… Obama’s major meltdown moments where their relationship was at risk. Then he changes gears and takes you down the path of some of their most awesome moments that were heartfelt. It was a very emotional book which means that you got in your feelings while reading this. It brought me right into the living room of their home and family. The Obama children had their share of issues with being raised as the POTUS’s kids. Their life would never get the chance to be the same as all of the other kids in America because they will be escorted to school and every other place in life by Secret Service. These are some of the things that made Mr.. Obama a regular man just like you and me but with immense responsibility. The reason that I read this book was to kind of get a first hand knowledge of the inner workings of policy and law passage. To me the POTUS is the best person for me to get an account of what goes on behind those doors in the White House. The vastness of the working parts making up the American Government are infinite. After reading how many lawyers are involved and how much back and forth is done just to make one policy change, I was exhausted. I have to believe what I read and it said to me that our system is broken. If you made a clock have the same parts as the government we would never know what time it is. I have a full understanding of why nothing ever gets done. I see how it can take 10 to 20 years to make meaningful change. If we continue in the same direction, I have no doubt that this country will have issues maintaining dominance as a world power.