Scott Donald Carper-Relentless

Author of Book: TIM S. GROVER
Date Read: March 10, 2023

Book Report

Dad Comment: Scott has read a great deal since beginning his time at LPC.  I asked him if he would write a brief comment about the value of some of the books he is reading.  This is his first submission. He geared his comment towards me as a reader. 

Relentless by Tim Grover

I was surprised at how much I liked this book.  I have read plenty of self-help books that I roll my eyes at.  This one had some fantastic takeaways.  Grover’s philosophy seems to mirror mine on so many levels. He just makes his points so much more eloquently than I do.  But I could really relate.  This book was recommended by “75 HARD” (ANDY F. a self-discipline Book) as one of the books to review as part of the program.  Lots of sports analogies…specifically basketball.  But my best takeaway was his belief that everyone needs to have some evil in them. This is part of you that drives you to want to succeed and succeed BIG.  Not just win but be RELENTLESS.  When I am on, I feel like I am relentless. Something I need to get back to.

I give the book a B+.  or 7 out of 10


According to Grover there are three types of people.  Cooler, Closer, And Cleaners.  

Coolers worry about the competition and how they measure up.  They won’t take on a role they are not comfortable with. Coolers let others decide whether they’re successful; they do the job and wait to see if you approve.  They don’t want to carry the load…they are the first to slap you on the back when you do a good job.

Closers study the competition and plan their attack based on the opponent.  They will take the role if you ask them, and they’ll do it well if they have enough time to prepare for and study the situation.  Closers want the credit for getting the job done and love being congratulated for what they did.

Cleaners are the Jordans, Kobe, Dwayne Wade, YOUR FAVORITE Charles Barkley…etc… Cleaners make the competition study them; they don’t care whom they’re facing, they know they can handle anyone.  They trust their gut.   They don’t wait to be asked they just do it.  They have high expectations.  Everyone knows they are in charge. 

Success is not the same as talent.  The book stresses the world is full of incredibly talented people who never succeed at anything.  It is all about finding that extra gear.   Finding success is about dealing with YOUR Reality…”facing your demons & addictions,” and being real about everything you do.  

Being a brutally honest evaluator.  Truly relentless people have a dark side (not a side to do evil things) …. but a side that doesn’t worry about what other people think.  An ability to get people to want to be on your level; not going down to their level. Getting a favorable result is what matters most.

I can personally relate to this because I believe the most brilliant people (best athletes) have some persuasive demons. That is what makes them great.  I like the motivation to go to another level and get results. I have lost that drive and I love that I am starting to feel it again. That feeling/motivation can be used productively.  

The times I have been successful or had successful achievements never quite measured up to what I thought (different then what I imagined).  People think success will make them happy.  After my best years at CBS Outdoor I got burnout…. I stopped trying to achieve next level results (I think the drugs played a large role) …. But also, I had the wrong mindset. I should have sought the results…. not the accolades.  I didn’t love the work; I loved the results…. that wasn’t sustainable. 

This book helped me put past experiences in perspective.