My Dad first sent me this book when I was still in the County jail. It always stuck in my head. But at the time I had a lot of growing up to do.
The premise is that a prison cell is similar to an Ashram. The only difference is choice. It’s a mindset. I had to stop comparing myself to others. I had to stop expecting life to be fair.
I am in prison now. I can use it to grow; mentally, physically, emotionally & spiritually. This book is the reason my daily routine is the way it is.
I wake up, Pray, meditate for 15 minutes. I do ten minutes of yoga & 10 minutes of Qi Gong. Both are moving meditations & internal art forms. My 15 minutes of meditation is to clear my mind. Followed by mindfulness practice to recognize & be aware of the Self. I exercise for an hour. Usually run laps. Which I use as a meditation as well.
I make sure I dedicate a portion of the day to furthering my education and another part to Self-help. I try to journal every night to make sure I stay on track. Identify 3 character Defects that day & 3 things I’m grateful for.
The reason my daily practice has been that way for so long is because of this book. It’s for inner freedom. I know that wherever I am, I’m a good person. I’m a spiritual person who lives with love & integrity.