Mykhaylo Chugay-Earning Freedom

Author of Book: Michael Santos
Date Read: December 24, 2024

Book Report

I finished reading Michael Santos “EF” book just a day before New Year 2025> I was little over 40month in my 292month sentence.

For me Michael Santos is an example of human endurance, persistence and unbreakable will. I would add him to the same list of people with Nelson Mandela and Viktor E. Frankl.

Michael teaches and encourages us to prepare for success after release and concentrate on what you can control.

The system fails to prepare offenders for law-abiding, contributing lives , so we have responsibility to strengthen our values, to develop useful skills and build resources on our own.

He showed an example, that in spite of previous history humans are capable of complete. After being sentenced to 45 y. in prison Michael made a choice to change for the better. he educated himself and received a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree. Also he was accepted to law school. Michael wrote and published books while in prison. He encourages us to write a manuscript and develop our vocabulary. Michael suggests to build a support network to help us along the way and after release.

after reading his book I understood the importance of setting clear long and short term goals. here are couple of skills I’s striving to develop after reading his book:

  • I have to build a good work ethic and train my will. I need to develop my routine and stick to plan until it will become a habit.
  • I have to visualize a desirable outcome; practice it every day before bed time with my eyes closed.
  • I need to keep track of my progress (working-out, reading, etc..)
  • I learned to appreciate what I have, even when I have a little.
  • I need to celebrate my achievements. It will give me drive to keep going and achieve more.
  • I need to know my strengths and weaknesses.

I will do my best to not allow prison to define me.

Chugay Mykhaylo