The Story of Michael Santos’s journey in Federal Prison and how he earned his freedom is a must read for anyone serving time . This book came to me at a time when I needed it the most . I was beginning my incarceration in Federal Prison and was at my lowest point emotionally and spiritually. Michael’s Story of a being incarcerated facing an overwhelming sentence and odds of survival and redemption and still never giving up or letting the system break your soul , was exactly what I needed. Michael shows you that thru hard work and devotion one can not only make it thru a lengthy sentence but come out on the other end a better man. One that can contribute in a positive way to the entire community . Michael shows that thru his consistent drive to becoming educated and helping others he was able to gain support from all walks of life and help change the mindset of many behind and outside the walls. Ultimately he has been able help open the minds of lawmakers and many in the BOP that there are other ways to treat and manage adults in custody, breaking thru the mold that prisoners and sub human creatures that must be punished as often as possible . He also shows the reader ways in which to navigate thru the policy and beaurocracy of prison without breaking the rules. He also shows you how to interact with prisoners of many different custody levels.His continues striving for exellency has given me the drive to make this time one of growing and bettering myself. I encourage all those here around me to read this book.