Michael Anthony Sabatino-Courage Under Fire

Author of Book: James Bond Stockdale
Date Read:

Book Report

Courage Under Fire” Testing Epictetus”s Doctrines in a Laboratory of Human Behavior

Vice- Admiral Stockdale a senior research fellow at Hoover Institution,was in the regular navy for 37 years , beginning as a test pilot and instructor at Patuxent River , Maryland, and spending 2 years as a graduate student at Stanford University. He then became a fighter pilot and was shot down on second combat tour over North Vietnam, becoming a prisoner of was for 8 years, 4 in solitary confinement. As the senior Naval Prisoner of war officer, he was tortured 15 times and put in leg irons for 2 years.

When disabled from his combat wounds brought about Stockdale’s early retirement , he was the only 3 star officer in the history of the Navy to wear both aviator wings and the congressional medal of honor; he also held 26 combat decorations , including 2 Distinguished Flying Crosses, 3 Distinguished Service Medals, 4 silver star medals and 2 purple hearts.
as a civilian Jim Stockdale was a college professor, a college president, a senior research fellow at the hoover institution. His many and varied writings all converge on the central theme of how man can rise with dignity to prevail on the face of adversity .

the reason I read this book is it shows the courage and determination a man can have even when faced with an uncertain future. it also shows’ the composure that is needed in all times regardless of what life throws at you. To focus on what we can control and not be disheartened by what is out of our hands. If one can survive as a POW in horrible conditions and face death daily and remain a moral strong man then one can remain steadfast while in prison.That is what learned from this book. there is always hope that one can make it thru any adversity and overcome against all odds .

a quote that i liked from the book was :

It matters not how strait the gate
How charged with punishment the scroll
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul

I think that sums up the mindset needed to navigate thru life’s hard times