This was a Book sent to me by my mother . its a story of a heroin addict who comes across a stray cat in his apartment complex and decides to feed the cat and eventually take it into his caring and nurse it back to health . The new found responsibility of taking care of this cat opens him up to becoming more responsible and eventually leads him to overcome his drug addiction and become open to caring about other things than just his own personal desires.The bond forged by this unlikely pair opens the opportunity for healing and compassion and empathy by James. He starts talking the Cat with him while he playes music and become a local celebrity of sorts, he continues on to get a job selling a local magazine all while continuing to better the quality of his life and live with a renewed sense of purpose. I really like this story because it showes that a small act of kindness can turn into a life changing experience . We never know how our act can affect those around us.Its shows that when we focus less on Ego and selfish desiresand care for others we can begin to grow and transform ourselves into a better version of our selves. If we plant a seed of goodness with everyone and everything we come into contact with. These actions can grow into beautiful outcomes.