Stephen Covey’s book is one of the best-selling books of all time. Although many people initially believe that his principles relate to business, sales and professional success. However, this book provides principles and thought-provoking questions that apply to everyone. I read it because I’d always heard good things about it. I’m so glad I decided to because it’s changed my life.
Stephen asks the reader to define success. Is success based on principles or material things? He’s not arguing whether there’s a right or wrong; however, understanding how I define success lays the foundation for everything that follows. He discusses the harm of taking shortcuts and the importance of changing our mindset and perceptions. He explains paradigm shifts, shares principles and challenges us to consider our ethics. Gradually, he leads the reader down a path of self-discovery and shares the 7 habits (principles and behaviors) that are evident in highly effective people. In doing so, he identifies that each habit falls into one of three categories – Private Victory Habits, Public Victory Habits and Renewal.
Private Victory Habits (habits 1-3)
1. Be Proactive
2. Begin With the End in Mind
3. Put First Things First
Public Victory Habits (habits 4-6)
4. Think Win-Win
5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
6. Synergize
Renewal (habit 7) 7. Sharpen the Saw
Additionally, he explains the Circle of Concern and Circle of Influence, which essentially consider – What do you worry about and What do you have control over? This awareness can shift our focus and help us operate from a more proactive perspective versus reactive.
The book resonated with me. He challenged me to consider my beliefs, assumptions and values; and what they are rooted in. The insight he provided and his method in doing so provided easy to understand methodology for a complex topic.
I appreciate the insights Stephen Covey shares. It’s a pragmatic approach to self-improvement.