Marcus Sean Hix-Earning Freedom Conquering A 45 yr Prison Term

Author of Book: Michael Santos
Date Read:

Book Report

Why I chose to read the book– Even though I am weeks away from my release from a 20 year prison term I felt I needed to read this book because I wanted to see the trials Michael went through in his 26 years in prison. I am at the end of my sentence but that doesn’t mean I still can’t do the things he is teaching us once I am released. I will still have to rebuild my life and that means to journal, study and network like Michael so I can be successful and build my financial plan. I do not want to let my prison time hinder me as I want to use my prison time to enthuse others so I can also be a good investment in a company.

What I learned from reading this book- I learned to never give up. Michael never gave up with 26 years as he adapted to the system and overcame it by being better than the prison wanted him to be. Being in here is hard. We are away from our families, we have to learn how to deal with people and how to live this very different life that some adapt to better. I did learn that im not the only one going through this and by learning, coping we all can get though this and come out a better person.

How reading Earning Freedom will contribute to my success upon release- Never give up. People of all kinds will always try to bring us down. Michael went through so much in his time that he held it togther keeping to his goal, “I have 26 years , Im not going to let anything get in my way.” This book has resparked my drive to want to be successful and to help others once I am out. It has also taught me that I can be almost anything I want to even that I have a felony conviction. I am planning to use my prison experience to benefit myself and to help others including future employers that I went to prison as I had some problems but I came out a better and stronger person.