Conquering A 45-Year Prison Sentence by Michael Santos was a book I read because it was recommended to me by another inmate that participates in his correspondence program Prison Professors. After receiving a couple emails and some books from Mr.. Santos I saw the potential his program could offer. I personally have experienced the hardships that individuals with felonies go through upon re-entry to society. Knowing that he was in the minority of people that was successful, especially after such a long term, I wanted to know more about what he did to set himself apart from the mass of people that have been incarcerated in America and recidivate.
What I learned from Conquering A 45-year Prison Sentence
I was able to empathize with Michael on many different levels that made me feel like I’m not alone in all my trials and tribulations. The woman I was with left me. If I was not blessed with family support I don’t know how I would take this time. It is still possible to build your network and improve resources. Furthering my education while I have time is my best option for success. I will encounter many road blacks from administration but can’t let it stop me. If you fail to plan then you plan to fail. Resilience is a virtue and a skill that can be learned through discipline. You have to take responsibility for your prior actions before you can truly let go and grow.
How will this book help me upon release
Prison is hard on everyone. The people inside and outside that deal with those incarcerated. Women leave guys in here everyday. Can’t let it get you depressed or affect you at all. Move forward there is somewhere better out there for you. It was inspiring to see he still found somebody else that was good for him and was able to build a strong relationship with a 45-year sentence. Through his internal motivation to succeed and the actions he took towards growth he secured his families support. It is so so so difficult to not be able to do things for yourself. Simple things such as ordering a book. You can have the money but the process is so difficult, takes so much time, and isn’t always guaranteed to come that you would never do again. You also have to have somebody outside add that money to your account to even try to have them send a money order to order something from you account. I’m blessed that I have family to handle my affairs, order books, and answer the phone. I’m grateful for them everyday and try to constantly remind them how much I appreciate them cause they still have their life to deal with out there. Time moves different for us on the inside and sometimes I can be difficult cause I want things done my way or immediately, but I put myself here. Networking and creating new resources was impressive too. Lack of communication inhibits us from fully blossoming in these areas because of the restrictions placed on us and the stigma we are labeled with as being a felon. Michael would send out 100 letters in order to find 1 person that would correspond with him. He learned from these people and they helped him on his journey and beyond. Through corresponding with professors, creating a website, and writing books, he was well known with many doors open to him. People were waiting for him to get out as well as advocating for his release. Education has always been big on my list because knowledge is power. One has to take it a step further and apply it though. A college degree is looked at as a high school diploma today so add a felony to that and you must do something extra to stand out in a room full of candidates. That is why I’m going to finish getting a degree and as many certifications as possible to present as intellectual paper assets as well. Every institution and CO is different wherever you land. Some look at those wanting to be better when they get out and try to do whatever they can to help them. Some look at us like the scum of the earth and abuse there power. Some are bullies, some don’t want to really work, some just have to follow the code of the badge and can’t do much depending on the people they work with. Either way administration is going to do whatever is best for them and whatever makes them look good so look for push back unless you are doing something that praises them. So many people after umpteenth years get out and don’t know what they are going to do. While incarcerated you pay no bills, are fed 3 times a day, and worry about making it through that day not preparing for future dilemmas. You have no clue how many years your body will still allow you to work, what hardships you might have finding stable living or if any old resources will still help you find a way to earn financial stability. It’s scary even if you do have a plan. But, you better have something. That brings forth practicing resilience through discipline. It kind of explains it self but brings forth the old saying try try again. Perfection doesn’t come from doing something once and usually takes time to even be good at something. Most say it takes at least a 10,000 hours to master something, but just having the drive to keep doing till you get it right makes a difference and opens new doors cause people see that drive in you. Before you can do anything though you have to take responsibility for yourself and your actions. You are the only person that can make or break you. You are the only thing that can make you a success or failure. Until you can take accountability for what you have done with your life in the past you will never be able to succeed. You will only stop yourself by blaming others or deflecting blame to circumstance when you have the option to change your course in life whenever you realize that life was made for you. This book helped instill in me that only you can hold yourself back because Michael was cut of from most of the world and the advancements being made, but he still made a way. I’m currently incarcerated with people that have never seen the internet or a phone with face time and they cried talking about it because they are so far behind. I’m grateful for everything I have, know and grateful for the things to come. Once you fully accept what’s held you back in life, which is you, and realize there are things that you can do to achieve what you want anything and everything is possible. Could be a good book for those who are not incarcerated too.