Linwood Hosea Gordon-The Stranger in the Lifeboat

Author of Book: Mitch Albom
Date Read:

Book Report

This book was referred to me by my Instructor in the class on Personal Growth. This author in particular had written many great reads and this one was not a disappointment.

Mitch Albom is the writer and apparently he grew up in the same era in America that I did because he and I share many of the same views on the values and thoughts.

This was a great book, what if you were stranded in a raft at sea with no hope of being found and you cry out to God and He appears and He did not come as you would have imagined, would you trust Him and believe Him or would you fight and remain in your emotions and miss out on being rescued?

I could not put this book down, it was so good and it was a real look into the hearts and minds of many of us today. We often respond in our emotions instead of pushing past them and weighing them against facts and evidence. Outside influences is a fact of life, but balance is the key.

Morals and ethics go a long way in this me generation, if you are able to operate outside of the selfish, self-centered popular way of living and actually work hard and look to God for strength, guidance, hope, salvation, edification, and forgiveness; you have an awesome chance at succeeding in life, and if by chance you were to fall, fail, or miss the mark; you can always get back up and try again.

I recommend this book, as it will likely open your eyes as to how to deal with difficult circumstances and situations that are sure to pop in your life at some point. This will serve as a great tool to help and carve out a path to success when it comes to a spiritual life with God and human relationships.

You will enjoy this author and this book!