Eduardo Luis Valdes-The Boy, the mole, the fox and the Horse

Author of Book: Charlie Mackesy
Date Read:

Book Report

“The Boy, the mole, the fox and the Horse”
By: Charlie Mackesy

Start Date:
November 13, 2024

Today I began reading a book that Mr. Lorenzo has offered once before but I said I was too busy. I am glad I took the opportunity to read it this time.

This short graphic novel has several quotes which I plan to forever keep close to me.

I would like to quote my favorites:

“One of our greatest freedoms is how to react to things”
– I have learned here throughout my time incarcerated, how to change my reactions in conflict, and/or situations I am not have no control over. There is such a freedom in being calm, listening and thinking before responding and not focusing on any negativity.

“Be kind to yourself is one of the greatest kindness”
– As it is mentioned in the Bible, we need to be kind to ourselves first so we are able to be kind to others.

“Often the hardest person to forgive is yourself”
– You need to forgive yourself before asking God to forgive you. In our chapel class, Faith-Based Conflict Management, this is the topic in one of the sessions that helps you understand how to forgive yourself and others. After being arrested, it took me a while before I realized, there was no changing the past, but only preparing for the future. I forgave myself for what I have done, and have asked God to forgive me for my wrongdoings. On top of that I thank God for allowing my removal from the negative lifestyle I was living, to provide me the chance to focus on changing my ways, to be a better person.

“Asking for help isn’t giving up, it’s refusing to give up”
– Some say, if you want it done right, do it yourself. There is so much truth to that, but at times I tend to try and complete things on my own without asking for help. Going forward in life, I will ask for help when I need it, and stop thinking I don’t need anyone to handle things.

“Is your glass half empty or half full; I think I’m grateful to have a glass”
– As I say on a daily basis during my incarceration, “The food may not be the best; It may not be enough; But I am grateful to be provided food at all”. I have heard this quote many times before, and people debating on if the glass is half-full or half-empty, but we have never seen it this way. These are the type of quotes we need to focus on and keep in our hearts. Understand that we are lucky to be where we are, in the circumstances we are in, things could always be worst, so let’s be thankful and grateful for what we DO have.

All these quotes should be printed on vinyl and placed throughout our world. It gives us all something to think about, something to look forward to, and provides us a type of guidance most of us need to get through our day to day lifestyle. This book has certainly helped me see myself through each of the characters; The Boy, the mole, the fox and the Horse.
I would recommend this book to anyone, and I thank Mr. Lorenzo for lending me this book which I will always keep in my mind, and will purchase a copy of my own to add to my bookshelf at home.

Eduardo Luis Valdes
November 13, 2024