Just finish reading The millionaire real estate agent. Written by Gary Keller with Dave Jenks and Jay Papasan. I wanted to read this book because i am interested in pursuing a career in real estate. The thing i found very profound with this book was the model it provided about how to be successful.
It talks about how following models that are put into place before you are easy road maps to accomplish things. And how when you work you don’t do it for the money. Of course we all want to earn a living. He was not saying to work for free, but when you work. Work to give your very best. To provide the best service to your consumer and all else will fall into place.
I can identify with this. Because i believe when you do the right thing it will always come back to you as a blessing. It also taught me that sales is a number game. If you market the right way to generate enough leads. You can then leverage other people to help you further your business so that you can continue to use your time in the necessary areas to grow your business.
Not only i can use this information for real estate business. I can use it in everyday life period. Always give my very best in whatever i do and the rest will work out.