Deshawn Jamel Greene-From the Streets to the Suites

Author of Book: Keidrain Brewster
Date Read: August 2, 2023

Book Report

I was reading a magazine and came across an interesting article about a man who turned his life around after a prison stint and is now a successful businessman. So I was compelled to order this book to gain some insight into this man’s journey. This man I speak of name is Keidrain Brewster and his book is called ‘From the Streets to the Suites’. I wanted to read this book because this man had served a 13-year sentence in the Texas Department of Corrections. Before he got out he had a plan in motion to not return to prison. When he got home he got into truck driving. After reading this book I realize how easy it is for people who have been in prison to get discouraged or fail. Because all you really hear people say in prison is that they are going to work when they get out. Ok, that’s cool and all but what exactly is the plan? Because I failed this plan too before. We think everything is going to be peaches and cream as long as we get a job, but the reality is there are going to still be hardships and stumbling blocks ahead. We have to be focused and have a plan A through Z for situations like this. Luckily for Brewster, he had a wife and her family who gave him a helping hand by providing them a place to live while he got himself together. He worked and learned all that he could from the company he worked for and when he saved up enough money he brought himself a pick-up truck and a 40-foot trailer. He started his own logistics shipping company. And even though he hit some stumbling blocks he kept pushing. I especially like the part in the book where he speaks about going above and beyond when you’re working to do more than is expected of you. Because in the end, it will pay off. He now does seminars, motivational speaking, he writes books and he owns his own fleet of trucks. reading this book motivates me to keep building myself up by learning trades and skills that will help me when I am released. Because even though I have made poor choices it is never too late to get it together and change. My brother use to drive 18-wheelers. He taught his son and his daughter to drive and now they drive for companies. I love to drive and travel the country so that is a goal of mine. To drive 18-wheelers until I can save enough to invest in real estate and possibly start my own truck business. I am inspired by Mr. Brewster’s success and have gained valuable knowledge from reading his book to incorporate into my release plans.