Deshawn Jamel Greene-Empire state of mind

Author of Book: Zack O'malley Greenburg
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Book Report

I just finish reading Empire state of mind. A book written by Zack O’malley Greenburg about Jay Z. Jay Z before he decided to rap was a drug dealer. What compelled me to read this book was how he went from this drug dealer to being a billionaire. What i learned from this book is that no matter what odds are stacked against you. Or what side of life you come up on you are in control of your destiny.

He could have continued his life of crime, but he realized that he had a gift that could get him into the life of fame which it did. But he didn’t just stop there he got involved in other ventures like a chain of night clubs, to a clothing line, sports agent, liquor, record label and a host of other things.

It is an aspiring story because he not only is a Blackman from the lower class. He believed in himself and turned his life around to build an empire. He has also do some non profit organization that pay for underprivilege kids to go to college. It made me realize that even though i took the wrong route in life. I can still change the narrative of my story. My dream is to also be a successful man who can give back to the communities that i once harmed.