Daniel Jason Harrington-7 MEN-And The Secret To Their Greatness

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As I journey through my own multi-decade prison sentence and focus on my own personal transformation, which for me now includes helping others do the same, i am often faced with moral decisions. Choices that, though seemingly small at times, either support the Big Picture or not. Most often, almost always these situations require decisions that go against the “norm” in prison life. Programming, following direction, and not engaging in contumacious behavior are often frowned upon by other inmates. The seven men mentioned in Metaxas’ book had their own choices to make. Choices that wither supported the Big Picture or not, and their choices often left them socially, financially and emotionally broken. Yet they were persistent.


The Seven Men that Eric Metaxas writes about fought for right. They fought AGAINST dictatorship, they fought FOR the abolition of slavery as well as all other sorts of deprivations of humans and their rights. They stood out amongst the masses for their sacrifice and commitment. These men are : George Washington, William Wilberforce, Eric Liddell, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Jackie Robinson, Pope John Paul II, and Charles W. Colson.

Each of these men, though from different eras and back grounds all shared a few (not so) common traits that made them great. Faith was a major shared trait. Each man’s faith drove them. It was their moral compass. Persistence was another. And then there was sacrifice, humility and selflessness.

Some Key Notes:

1) Core Set Of Values: A strong moral Compass helps us create a core-set of values to guide us.

2) Determination and Persistence: These are needed to commit to our core-set of values so we can “walk the talk” and never compromise or cut corners.

3) Humility: Humility goes with sacrifice, being able to to be laughed at for our ideas and determination.

Eric Liddell wrote:

“If I know something to be true, am I prepared to follow it even though it is contrary to what I want? Will I follow if it means being laughed at by friend or foe, or if it means personal financial loss or some kind of hardship?”

For these seven men, the answer was yes each and every time. It should be for us as well if we aspire to true greatness.