About the Author: Archer is a graduate of Oxford University, New York Best Sellers, Elected to House of Commons in 1969, Approved Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party of UK, Was elected to House of Lords in 1992. Author of “Kane and Abel”, Honor Among Thieves, and Son of Fortune. Sentenced to Four years in prison for Perjury. Spent first 22 days in prison of Cat A in UK equal to USP in USA. Prisoner and Guards wanted his autograph and guide to help write Appeals and seek his advise. Cell mates were Murderers with Life sentences and Drug Baron.
Date Read: Nov 30 through Dec 8, 2023.
First to read or look for a diary format to use to begin a better way of Journaling for my Release Plan, and record my life behind the “FENCE”. I need something to help my develop a direction of consistent recording that would help my journaling and develop a format that was useful.
What I found was that, but also a person much like myself. Never been in trouble, was raised similar, was degreed, and found himself being convicted and the Judge making an example of him. This diary format helped me allocate my days to recording my life behind the “Fence”. This also helped me format my writing. This diary is very educational on how you see the Prison Life for the first time, in real time. The reality of what life is like for someone who never thought they would be incarcerated. The Book also opens up that the community that is behind the fence is very reliant on being trustworthy and truthful, more so than the communities outside the Fence. What I have seen in my time, is that there is a big lack of understanding of what this community life is like behind the fence. In the low that I am in, the desire for all you speak with is to go home and never come back. There are a few exceptions but not many. This book covers a lot of great information.
IN Summary: I have learned the format of writing I was look for and what is relevant or not. Also that life behind the Fence is very similar in the UK and USA.
I suggest anyone just incarcerated read this book, especially if you have never been in legal trouble and are a first timer.