Title: Prison! My 8,344th Day Workbook
Author: Michael G. Santos
Date Read: 8/31 – 9/30/24
Why I Read: I completed Preparing for the Success After Prison workbook and was very motivated to keep learning new tools and tactics to prepare for success.
What I learned: In this workbook, Mr. Santos goes into great detail about how he spends each hour of his day. It was easy to relate to due to the fact he faced similar challenges in his day to what I do at the FCI Aliceville Prison. By Mr. Santos giving detailed examples of how he avoided negative situations and scheduled his day in a structured way, it gave me a guideline to base my own routine by. Also, he provided a series of critical thinking questions at the end of each chapter that helped me make sure all my decisions I am making today aligned with my values and goals for the future.
How will reading the Prison! My 8,344th Day workbook contribute to my preparations for success upon release: This workbook helped provide me with a detailed outline to base my own personal, structured daily routine from. This will help ensure I use my time wisely while I am here so that I am better equipped to face challenges after my release. Also, it provided helpful tips to avoid conflict and negative situations that could hinder me.