April Rose Seiber-How We Think Workbook

Author of Book: The Change Companies Keep It Direct & Simple Series
Date Read: July 14, 2024

Book Report

Title: How We Think Workbook
Author: The Change Companies Keep It Direct & Simple Series
Date Read: 7/14/24

Why I Read: The facility psychology department recommended it.
What I Learned: I learned how you think has a huge impact on your actions. There is one step in between an event and how we feel and behave. That middle step is your self-talk. To lessen the risk of taking negative actions you must learn to identify risky thought patterns. There are 6 common categories of risky thoughts: 1) Focusing on negatives
2) All-or-nothing thinking
3) Blaming
4) Expecting rewards
5) Justifying use
6) Seeking relief

Being aware of your thinking can give you greater control over how you choose to feel and act. Two strategies to adjust thinking are to:
1) Challenge your thinking by interrupting risky thoughts, and replace them with healthier options.
2) Coach yourself by preparing helpful instructions for dealing with uncomfortable situations, such as how you will respond in risky situations.

How will reading the How We Think Workbook contribute to my preparations for success upon release: This workbook helped provide me with actual strategies to help deal with risky thoughts and situations efficiently. I have always struggled with negative self-talk, which led to impulsive actions. This will help tremendously with the recovery aspect of my journey, as well as facing situations in the work place.