April Rose Seiber-Earning Freedom

Author of Book: Michael Santos
Date Read:

Book Report

Book Title: Earning Freedom
Author: Michael Santos
Date Read: 2024
Why I Read: I received the first set of books/workbooks through the Prison Professors Talent program and Mr. Santos has become a huge motivation for me. I read his book to learn how to successfully navigate my way through this prison term while preparing for my successful release.
What I Learned: I completed Mr. Santos workbooks before reading his memoir. This led me to being pleasantly surprised by the fact Mr. Santos did not just decide he would embark on his journey for success and it come easily for him, like I previously thought. After reading his book, Earning Freedom, I realized he faced major setbacks that could have broke his spirit such as: people continuing to doubt his vision and bring him down mentally, putting him in the SHU for trying to publish his experiences in the BOP system, having to choose to separate himself from the typical prison crowd, and having to stay focused enough to provide for him and his wife. He did all these things, which people who have never done time before do not fully understand how big of an achievement this is. Just separating yourself from others makes for a lonely sentence. Yet, Mr. Santos proved to me I must look beyond these walls in order to have a future and make my own path.

How Will Reading Earning Freedom Contribute To My Preparations For Success Upon Release: I now have a role model to look towards so I can keep my faith when things get difficult. With my release date not until 2035, it is easy to get discouraged. Thankfully, I have books and workbooks available to help me continue to focus on my plans for my release.