Journal Entry: Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Journal Entry

Opening Doors of Opportunity for Justice-Impacted Individuals

Every day, I’m reminded of the vast potential that lies within our prison walls. These are not just facilities that house individuals; they are reservoirs of talent, ambition, and untapped potential. My mission with Prison Professors Talent is to bridge the gap between this potential and the opportunities that await outside.

Prison Professors Talent: A Platform for Change:

The Prison Professors Talent website is more than just a platform; it’s a movement. It’s a testament to the world that individuals in prison are not defined by their past mistakes but by their present actions and future aspirations. By showcasing the diligent work and preparations of these individuals, we send a powerful message to employers: Justice-impacted people are assets, not liabilities. With support from my other companies and from our nonprofit, we offer Prison Professors Talent for free to people in prison.

Through our course, “Preparing for Success after Prison,” we equip individuals with the tools, knowledge, and mindset they need to thrive in the outside world. When employers see the dedication and commitment of these individuals, it challenges preconceived notions and biases. It’s not just about finding employment; it’s about changing the narrative. If it’s not available in your prison, encourage your Reentry Affairs Coordinator and Supervisor of Education to contact me. Or, write us directly and we will send you a scholarship, with the books at no charge to you. Or support the movement by visiting our websites.

Leaders like Mahatma Gandhi inspired me to launch initiatives like Prison Professors.

Mahatma Gandhi and the Power of Change:

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” This statement resonates deeply with our mission. Instead of waiting for the world to change its perspective on justice-impacted individuals, we’re taking proactive steps to be that change. By providing a platform for these individuals to shine, we’re not only opening doors of opportunity for them but also paving the way for societal transformation.

Gandhi’s teachings emphasized the power of individual actions in bringing about collective change. Every person who joins our coalition, every employer who chooses to look beyond societal labels, and every individual who documents their preparations for success on our platform is embodying Gandhi’s vision. They are being the change.

Join Our Coalition:

I urge every individual in prison to join our coalition. Document your journey, your preparations, and your aspirations on Prison Professors Talent. Let the world see your dedication and commitment. And to those who believe in our mission, I encourage you to send an invite to Together, we can create a world where second chances aren’t just given but earned and celebrated.

In conclusion, the journey to change begins with a single step. Let’s walk this path together, inspired by the teachings of great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, and create a brighter future for all.


Michael Santos,

Founder of Prison Professors