I have responded to my prison sentence with shame and guilt. Shame in that I was created for a life of adventure, integrity and leading, Guilt in that my prior decisions and lack of discipline have fallen far short of that creation. Thank god I have shame and guilt because those emotions finally got through my thick skull and forced me to reexamine who I am and who I want to be. I want a life of adventure, of being honored for honesty and integrity. I desire the great gifts of living a discipline and wise life. I have responded by working day by day, hour by hour to learn the little things I must do and then do them to attain my goals. I am rebuilding relationships that were estranged while only being able to communicate through limited means. I am becoming resilient of mind, body and spirit through physical training, prayer and accomplishing small goals daily. Each day is an opportunity to get stronger which I take.
READ NEWSLETTER ARTICLE HERE: https://prisonprofessorstalent.com/journal-entries/newsletter-16/