Lately, my focus has been deterred. The primary goal is to refocus, reprioritize, and move forward. The process is never-ending, but rewarding in the end. One of my favorite people here at FCI Milan is D. Davis out of Chicago. He is a wonderful drummer, singer, and financial wealth advisor. One of the things that he projects to the compound is consistency. He is the same way every time you speak with him, he is consistent with his goals and plans. When we first met, I knew that there was something special about him. Whether he knows it or not, his actions encourage me to keep being the best version of myself that I can be.
As I take the time to refocus, reprioritize, and keep pushing forward, I am going to follow in the steps of my brother D. Davis in staying consistent. Consistent in my thoughts and actions. I am fully aware that with structure within my life, I WILL obtain every goal that my creator intended for me to achieve.