Journal Entry: Marcus Sean Hix-01/22/2025

Journal Entry

What strategy have you engineered to work toward success as you’ve defined success? My strategy I’m working on is many things. I have to prove to myself that I can be successful again. When I have done that to myself then I work on to prove to employers that I have changed from my past self. I have learned so much about myself and better ways to work. I am more grateful of what I’ve been through and I have taken this experience to learn more. With this mark I know I have to sell myself to show employers I can be an asset to an employer that I can be trusted.

In what ways does your strategy differentiate your approach to success from other similar situated people? With many years in prison I have seen guys not do anything to better themselves. I have tried to help them to be ready for their release and I hear “Ill do it tomorrow.” That can be defined in various ways. Tomorrow never comes and time goes by very fast so if they do not prepare for their release they could be back in here again. We never stop learning and that means that prison is a perfect place to start.

How do you anticipate your future employer would respond to the strategy you engineered? I think my future employer will see the advancements I made when I show him the quality of my work and work ethic. When you came to prison they take everything and try to take away your ability to think. I did not want then to take that away so I told myself this is the time to work in my values and to set my goals to build up to be successful again and a good employee.

In what ways does your strategy show that your acting with CEO mindset? I have always had that CEO mindset I think because my dad taught me and I worked with him in his small business, When I got to the workforce I did get to the top because of my CEO values. Now in this time I have built them to be better so I can show that to others.

Word—- ONUS showing responsibility. The onus is all on me.